The idea is to build an i550, a very sexy little 18' sailboat. I will post some links to the blogs of the brave people who have started this process before me. Their work is impresive. It will also give you an idea of where I am hopefully headed.
But first, an explanation of the name: you see, my boys and I (JP, 5 yrs and Mickey, 7 yrs old) have a hard time talking about boogers with out laughing at least a little. This process can be a bit intimidating and I wanted to remind myself at each turn that it is supposed to be fun. It is also a process that is bound to get messy at some point. And I am hoping that the finished product is, "SLICKER THAN SNAIL SH___". Finally, it helps solve one of the million little decisions I need to make along the way, that is, what color to paint the boat when I'm done.