Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stringers and bow timber

I started fitting the longitudinal stringers in the back of the boat tonight. As I mentioned before (see posts below) there are as many variations of this as there are builders working on these boats. I went towards the minimalist end of the spectrum. 2" stringers made of 1/4" ply that will be filletted and taped w/ 2" tape on both sides. Minimal weight, minimal fuss, and lots of faith that the design is sufficient as drawn. There has been a great deal of discussion about how to hold these buggers in place until they are glassed in. Quick set epoxy seems to be popular. I went a little more "old school" and used some wooden wedgies to "jam" them in until the epoxy cures........I'll let you know how THAT works tomorrow. I was ready to start mixing epoxy until I realized I was out of disposable gloves!! (West Marine, here I come!!)

Here's what the stringer placement looks like:

Since I had a bit more time on my hands, I cleaned up the bow timber. I had started w/ a piece of 4/4" oak, but saw that a little extra up in front wouldn't hurt, so I doubled it w/ a second piece.

I am really just killing time here until I can finish shaping the keel strut (a job that requires the use of an electric planer which is noisy, therefore requiring daylight hour operation and no rain!!!) Hopefully this weekend I take some big steps in that direction.

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