Brandt from Oregon and Chad from L.A. converged here today primarily to deliver their C-Tech rigs. It was very nice to meet Brandt and see Chad again. For all those thinking of building, you couldn't get in with a finer group of sailor/builders!!
The C-Tech rigs are a work of art. If form follows function.....then these masts have function dialed! Boys and their toys:

I was feeling burnt on fairing and ready to glass, but a voice in the back of my head was saying, "not yet young man...." As I said last night, I knew Chad would set me straight. Sure enough, he felt at least one more round would be good for the boat. So we spent an hour or two mixing fairing compound and hitting all the low spots again.
He also said (in front of my wife no less) that I needed a longer stiffer sanding board. Molly couldn't help herself, "Isn't that what ALL men want?" So here is my new, improved 1/2" x 36" torture board:

I think the clearance sail closet door handles are a FINE touch cosmetically and should provide a great grip...form follows function.....C-Tech has nothin on me!
I also put together the sugar scoop/swim platform to appease the PHRF folks tonight. It seemeed prudent to do this BEFORE I glassed the hull as it required a few more screw holes in the bottom of the hull. I think this is going to be a real nice addition and not a gangly mess...fingers crossed!

Tomorrow I sand the bog from today (Chad hinted that he laid it on extra heavy just to slow me down!! THANKS BUD!!) and if I get a hand or two maybe even glass the bottom.
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