Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bensons and Ballgames.....

While my family was off enjoying this:

(JP w/ his favorite head gear and the view of the Bay from their seats at ATT Park where they watched the Giants defeat the Dodgers.)

I was getting in a little of this:

Mast step started:

1st coat of primer on the deck and foot bensons placed:

And companionway trimmed out:

I decided to leave the bensons bright rather than paint them.

They look awesome and serve as a nice reminder that it is a wooden boat after all.

I also got started on the spreader brackets which I am fabricating. I hope that fiberglass brackets against an aluminum mast is ok. (I understand that carbon fiber against aluminum is a bad idea......any input here is welcomed!)

It feels great to get in a couple of solid hours rather than just 1 or 2 here and there. I need to quit my day job.....(just kidding Molly).

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